Navigate your sheep king through the barrage of enemies.


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Prompt 2:

The game wants the player to lose in order to stop the sheep. The game throws obstacles towards the player. The enemies of the game are able to stop the sheep if the sheep makes contact with the enemies. The player must avoid these enemies to continue the game. The obstacles seem to be on a random path and spawn randomly on the right side of the screen. The obstacles do go from right to left and vary in their direction. These obstacles resemble monsters and bees. They seem to be able to stop the sheep but they also continue on if they miss the sheep. These enemies could be motivated to stop the sheep, but also may not be. The goal of the game is to survive as long as possible and to get a high score. The difficulty of this comes from the constant movement required by the game. The player is forced to move in order to avoid obstacles. The game does not provide anything to help the sheep, so the sheep must rely on itself to avoid the obstacles. Because of the nature of the game, there is not really a set path for the player. The player just has to avoid the enemies and is able to move around anywhere on the screen. There does not seem to be a helping designer as opposed to the thwarting designer. There are mostly obstacles for the player to overcome. Most of the interaction in the game comes from the player controlling a sheep that avoids monsters and bees.